Friday, September 30, 2011

At the moment

When I was in school I said to myself "I can't wait to finish school and start working!"
When I was finally got a job I'm thinking all the time "Oh my god I miss going to school.. can I go back to school?"
And now I'm doing my master at this moment and all I can think is "Man I can't wait to get over with all of these.."

People are truly never satisfied with what they are having, don't they?


  1. Setuju, Cit! Sama banget deh ini. Rasanya hidup ingin seneng-seneng terus yaa hahaha :p

  2. Auuu... iya banget. stress bgt yah s2 :'(( hehe tapi nanti kita pasti kan kangen deh sama2 masa2 ini. hahah :)
